As well as sharing my love of history with the world I’m also passionate about building a community of like-minded female history bloggers. We call ourselves The History Girls.
It started off as a simple hashtag on Instagram – #historygirls. Then it grew so popular that I had to start a separate account for all the activity – you can find us at @thehistorygirls. We now have passionate history bloggers from all over the world sharing their historical adventures and work with a new audience on Instagram.
Every month in my regular newsletter I also devote a section to one of The History Girls with a ‘traditional’ online blog. Someone who is killing it and churning out quality content. Because I like to share the love!
So here’s a round-up of all the fab females that have featured in my newsletter so far. I hope you enjoy reading their work as much as I do – just click on the images to be transported straight to the blog!