Planning for a Great 2019 with the Tudor Book of Days

AD – GIFTED There are two types of people in the world – the organised and the spontaneous. I am definitely the former. Therefore I was properly chuffed when the lovely people from Tudor Times gifted me one of their BEAUTIFUL Tudor Book of Days Perpetual Diaries.

What makes this diary so different is the fact that holding it is also like holding a guidebook to Tudor history in your hand. The diary pages list important Tudor events by month and by day, as well as details of the Saints and Feast days they celebrated. The book also has a section with biographical details of over 150 significant figures from Tudor history.

Tudor Book of Days

The Tudor Book of Days is inspired by the Book of Hours, prized in the Tudor and Renaissance period. Primarily a private book, it listed holy days and hours for prayer, but was often used to record births and marriages, important events and festivals, or to write messages of affection between friends. Basically think of it as an early modern personal diary.

These are the features from The Tudor Book of Days I am loving so far;

  • Good quality – the cover is a durable hardback one featuring a stunning detail image of Tudor roses and flowers
  • Lots of space – the diary pages show a week to two pages, meaning lots of space for notes and scribbles
  • Flexible – It’s a perpetual diary, meaning its not dated for any particular year  – perfect if you have to start a new diary part-way through the year for some reason
  • Year planner – For long-term planning, allowing you to be extra-organised!
  • Notes section – I use this for jotting down blog post ideas that pop into my head at the most random times

Tudor Book of Days

I’ve already started using The Tudor Book of Days to plan for 2019 (it basically consists of two weddings, a theatre trip and a Spice Girls concert so far). I’m feeling extra organised and ready to take on whatever 2019 may bring.

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